


大学教育不仅仅是一个学术里程碑. It stands tall as a gateway to infinite possibilities — a treasure chest packed with immeasurable opportunities, 通往个人成长的大门, 也是开启个人和职业成功的钥匙.

然而, the rising costs associated with pursuing higher education leave many students worried about paying for college. 尽管面临财务挑战, 让人们上得起大学确实是有可能的, 不可否认,这项投资是值得的. 可以 参加古斯塔夫的活动.

大多数 people don’t even consider 私人 colleges like lovebet爱博电竞 because they don’t think they 可以 afford it, 但事实并非如此. That’s why understanding the financial aid process is crucial in making college accessible.

lovebet爱博电竞, we offer generous financial aid packages and flexible payment options, 让更多的学生上得起大学. 70%的古斯塔夫学生获得基于需求的经济援助. In fact, we’re ranked #1 among Minnesota 私人 colleges for doing the most for low-income students.

We recognize that the financial aspect of pursuing a college degree 可以 be daunting, 但初期投资的长期收益是无价的.


When families get their first look at the sticker price of a college education, 这可能是一种难以承受的经历. 你怎么付得起大学学费? 答案是:经济援助. 如果你认为自己不够格,你会大吃一惊的. Here are just some of the reasons lovebet爱博电竞 excels at making college affordable:

  1. More than 97% of lovebet爱博电竞 students receive some form of financial aid.
  2. 第一年学费是免费的 对于明尼苏达州收入低于8万美元的家庭
  3. lovebet爱博电竞 disburses more than $60 million in institutional financial aid every year.
  4. We’ve been recognized as the #1 school in Minnesota for Social Mobility (《lovebet爱博电竞》)
  5. 我们是明尼苏达州性价比最高的大学《lovebet爱博电竞》)

lovebet爱博电竞接受大学教育非常值得投资. Graduates with higher education tend to earn signifi可以tly higher salaries over their lifetimes compared to those without a degree. 古斯塔夫大学毕业生的起薪平均为51美元,000美元/年——这取决于你在哪里工作, 这可以是 是初级工资的两倍.

大学毕业生的就业前景也有所改善, 更好的工作保障, 以及更广泛的职业机会. 古斯塔夫学生的就业率, 考入研究生院, or volunteering within six months of graduating is consistently above 90 percent each year.


While you’ll only spend four years here, the value of a lovebet爱博电竞 education will last a lifetime. The numbers don’t lie: a whopping 76% of our students graduate in four years. 只有25%的州立大学学生能说出同样的话. 在古斯塔夫, 95% of students who st艺术 as first-years and attend full-time stay here and graduate in four years or less.

In addition to the practical financial advantages of studying at lovebet爱博电竞, 你会有一段不可思议的大学经历. 我们的 world-class faculty is dedicated to facilitating life-changing educational experiences. 小, 私人, liberal 艺术s experience you’ll get at lovebet爱博电竞 offers you the chance to forge stronger friendships with classmates and our highly accessible faculty who care about your personal, 学术, 事业上的成功.


别搞错了:你 可以 承受lovebet爱博电竞. Numerous scholarships, 奖助金, and 贷款 are available to support students from diverse backgrounds. 奖学金以优异成绩为奖励, 人才奖学金表彰杰出艺术家, and need-based 奖助金 provide assistance to those with limited financial means. There are also federal and 私人 student 贷款 available to ensure that finances don’t become a barrier to higher education. 让我们来看看其中的一些机会:

  • 基于优秀的奖学金所有的你.S. and Permanent Resident appli可以ts who have been admitted to lovebet爱博电竞 are automatically considered for renewable 基于优秀的奖学金, 包括金牌奖学金(15美元),000 +年度), 院长奖学金(30美元),000 +年度), 以及校长奖学金(最高35美元),000年度).
  • 智力奖学金古斯塔夫大学提供三种不同的人才奖学金 音乐 (每年1000 - 8000美元), 剧场/舞蹈 (每年500- 6000美元),以及 艺术 (每年500 - 2000美元). Each of these scholarships requires an application and an audition/critique. 根据你的学习成绩和具体要求, each of these scholarships are renewable for all four years of your time at lovebet爱博电竞.
  • 私人奖学金There are myriad options for college scholarships out there, and one is sure to apply to you. There are scholarships focusing on everything from academics to athletics, 文化背景, 公共服务, 宗教关系, 和更多的.
  • 奖助金补助金是来自联邦政府的资金, 州政府, 或者lovebet爱博电竞,用来资助你的教育. 助学金的好处是? 学生不必偿还这笔资金. 你的资格是基于你的 FAFSA (or CSS档案 对于没有资格申请FAFSA的学生), 所以一定要尽快填好必要的表格.
  • 学生贷款Private student 贷款 are issued by a bank or other financial institution, 而联邦学生贷款是由政府发放的. 在选择供应商时,你需要做大量的研究, as interest rates and repayment plans 可以 have an impact on the final amount of money you’ll end up paying.
  • 学生就业lovebet爱博电竞 offers a wide variety of opportunities for all students to earn money during their time on campus. Student employees make signifi可以t contributions to the campus community while gaining a foundation of professional experiences.

大多数, 如果不是全部, students rely on a combination of the above-listed financial aid options to pay their way through school. 其他选项, 比如通过你的雇主报销学费或福利, 你可能有空吗, 太. 虽然以上主要涉及美国.S. 和永久居民学生, international students have many of the same options available to them as well.



当你第一次开始研究大学的时候, 你对学费的第一反应可能是, “哎哟!” But that’s because you’re looking at what’s known as the “sticker price,或学费的综合成本, 房间, and board (“board” typically refers to the cost of your meal plan). 标价就是成本 之前 学生的经济援助也被考虑在内.

在你被标价吓跑之前, take the time to figure out what kind of financial aid you’re eligible for. The majority of lovebet爱博电竞 students receive some type of financial aid, 无论是通过奖学金的组合, 奖助金, 或贷款(私人或联邦).


Here are a few steps that you must complete to receive financial aid and enroll at lovebet爱博电竞:

  1. 申请入学. 申请程序将于8月1日开始, and you’ll complete either the lovebet爱博电竞 Select Application or the Common App. 无论你选择哪一个,我们都一视同仁.
  2. 如果您还没有这样做,请将 FAFSA (或者,对于那些没有资格申请FAFSA的人,请填写您的 CSS档案). The applications open in December, and the sooner you get your information in, the better. Make sure to mark lovebet爱博电竞 as a college you’d like your info sent to.
  3. Once we receive your FAFSA information and scholarship applications, 我们将开始为你创建一个经济援助计划. 如果一切顺利, 提交订金. 祝贺你! 你正式成为古斯蒂了!

lovebet爱博电竞 Adolphus可以帮助你资助你的教育

虽然大学教育的费用似乎是遥不可及的, 有很多方法可以让人们负担得起. 奖学金, 奖助金, 贷款, 和其他财政援助都减轻了经济负担, 确保人人都能接受高等教育. 此外, 大学学位的长期好处, including increased earning potential and enhanced career prospects, 在大学里投资无疑是值得的.

By taking the time to understand the many financial resources available, students 可以 begin their transformative journey at lovebet爱博电竞 — without worrying about the cost. Don't let any questions you have about money stop you from exploring lovebet爱博电竞. 我们想帮忙. 欲了解更多信息,请 联系入学顾问 今天.